
Privacy Policy


Tada pay attention to user privacy, privacy is your important right. When you use our services, we may collect and use your relevant information. We want to show you the "privacy policy", in the use of our services, how we collect, use, store and share the information, and we provide you with access, update, control and protection of such information. This privacy policy is closely related to the Tada service you are using, and I hope you will read it carefully and, when necessary, follow the guidelines of this privacy policy to make the appropriate choice. In this privacy policy, we will try to provide a concise description of the relevant technical vocabulary, and provide a further description of the link, so that you understand.

You use or continue to use our services, which means that we agree to collect, use, store and share your information in accordance with this privacy policy.

If you have any questions about this privacy policy, please contact us via sales@tadaparking.com.

The information we may collect

We may collect, store and use the following information about you when we provide a service. If you do not provide relevant information, you may not be able to register as our users or can not enjoy some of the services we provide, or can not achieve the desired effect of related services.

The information you provide

Your personal information, such as phone number, email or bank card number, when you register your account or use our services;

The shared information you provide to other parties through our services, and the information you store when you use our services.

Other parties to share your information

Other parties use our services to provide information about your sharing.

We get your information

When you use the service, we may collect the following information:

log information, That you use our services, system may be collected automatically by cookies, web beacon or other means of information technology, including: equipment or software information, such as your mobile devices, web browser or other program for IP address access to our services provided by configuration information, and your mobile device version and equipment identification code; In the use of our services to search or browse information, for example, you use the web search words, social media page URL address access, and you are using our service when browsing or request content and other information about the details; you have used the mobile application (APP) software and other information, and the information you once the use of such mobile applications and software;

You communicate with us through our services, such as the account number of the newsletter, and the communication time, data and time;

position information, Refers to the information you have about your location when you open the device positioning feature and use the services provided by our location:

Your location information is collected by GPS or WiFi, when you use our services through mobile devices with location;

Including you or other users to provide real-time information to your geographic location, for example, contains your account information provided in your area of information sharing, information display you or other people to upload your current or former location, geographic information mark you or other people sharing photos containing;

You can stop the collection of your location information by closing the positioning function.

How can we use information

The information we may collect in the course of providing you with the services will be used for the following purposes:

To provide you with services;

When we provide services for authentication, customer service, security, fraud monitoring, archiving and backup purposes, to ensure that we provide you with the safety of products and services.

Help us to design new services and improve our existing services; make us more aware of how you can access and use our services, so as to respond to your individual needs, such as assistance services and instruction language setting, position setting, personalized, or to other aspects of the response to you and other users;

To provide more relevant to your ads to you to replace the general advertising; evaluate our service in advertising and other promotional activities and promotion effect, and improve the software certification or management; software upgrade; let you participate in the survey about our products and services.

For other purposes so that you have a better experience, improve our service or you agree, in accordance with the relevant laws and regulations, we may be through a service information collected, to collect information or personal way, for our other services. For example, the information you collect when you use one of our services may be used in another service to provide you with specific content, or to show you related, non universal push information. If we provide the appropriate options in the relevant service, you can also authorize us to use the information provided and stored by the service for our other services.

How do you access and control your personal information

We will do everything possible to take the appropriate technical means to ensure that you can access, update and correct your registration information or other personal information provided when using our services. When accessing, updating, correcting, and deleting the information, we may ask you to verify your identity in order to protect your account.

We may share information

In addition to any of the following circumstances, we and our affiliates will not share your personal information with any third party without your consent.

We and our affiliates may use your personal information with our affiliates, partners and three party service providers, contractors and agents (for example, on behalf of our email or push notification issued by the communications service providers, according to the position number of map service providers (for us) to share they may not be located in the scope of law your), used for the following purposes:

To provide you with our services;

To achieve the purpose of how we may use the information;

To fulfill our obligations under this Privacy Policy and exercise our rights;

Understand, maintain and improve our service.

If we or our affiliates with any of the third parties share your personal information, we will work to ensure that such three party in the use of your personal information to comply with the "privacy policy" and we are required to comply with other appropriate confidentiality and security measures.

With the continuous development of our business, we and our affiliates may merger, acquisition, transfer of assets or similar transactions, your personal information may be transferred as part of the trade. We will notify you before the transfer.

We or our affiliates may retain, save or disclose your personal information for the following reasons:

Compliance with applicable laws and regulations;

Comply with a court order or other legal procedure;

Comply with the requirements of relevant government agencies.

To comply with applicable laws and regulations, maintain the social public interests, or use the protection of our customers, we or our affiliates, other users or employees of the personal and property safety and legitimate rights and interests of the reasonable and necessary.

Information Safety

We retain your personal information only within the time period required by the privacy policy and the time required by the laws and regulations.

We use a variety of security technologies and procedures to prevent the loss of information, improper use, unauthorized access or disclosure. For example, in some services, we will use encryption techniques (such as SSL) to protect your personal information. But please understand that, due to technical limitations and the possible existence of a variety of malicious means, in the Internet industry, even if we do everything possible to strengthen security measures, it is impossible to always ensure the safety of information one hundred percent. You need to understand that the system and communication network that you access to our services is likely to be affected by factors beyond our control.

The information you share

Many of our services, you can not only with their social networks, and all users use the service of the public to share relevant information, such as you, you in our service or upload information (including your personal information, you open a list), you make other people upload or the release of information in response, including the position data associated with these information and log information. Other users who use our services are also likely to share information about you (including location data and log information). In particular, our social media services are designed to enable you to share information with users all over the world. As long as you do not delete the sharing of information, relevant information will have been left in the public domain; even if you delete the sharing of information, relevant information may by other users or not under our control of the unrelated third party independent cache, copy or storage, or by other users or the other three party in the public domain preservation.

Therefore, please carefully consider the content of information that is uploaded, released and communicated through our services. In some cases, you can control the right to browse your shared information by the privacy settings of some of our services. If you wish to delete your relevant information from our service, please use the special service terms.

Sensitive personal information you share

Some personal information may be considered as sensitive personal information, such as your race, religion, personal health and medical information. Compared to other personal information, sensitive personal information is subject to more stringent protection.

Please note that when you use our services to provide, upload or publish content and information (such as photos of your social activities and other information), may reveal your sensitive personal information. You need to carefully consider whether or not to disclose sensitive personal information when using our services.

You agree to deal with your sensitive personal information in accordance with the purposes and methods described in this privacy policy.

How can we collect information

We or our third party partners may collect and use your information through cookies and web beacon, and store the information as log information.

We use our own cookies and web beacon, the purpose is to provide you with a more personalized user experience and services, and for the following purposes:

Remember your identity. For example: cookies and web beacon help us identify your identity as our registered user, or save the information you provide to us about your preferences or other information;

Analyze your use of our services. For example, we can use cookies and web beacon to understand what activities you are using our services, or which pages or services are most popular with you;

Advertising optimization. Cookies and web beacon help us to provide you with the information based on your advertising rather than the general advertising.

We use cookies and web beacon for this purpose at the same time, may be non personal identity information through the cookies and web of beacon were collected by statistical processing to advertisers or other partners, for the analysis of the user how to use our services, and for advertising service.

Our products and services may be placed by advertisers or other partners cookies and web beacon. The cookies and web beacon and you may collect related non personal identity information, in order to analyze the user how to use the service to send you, you may be interested in advertising, or for the assessment of advertising effect. These third cookies and web beacon collection and use of such information, not subject to the "privacy policy" constraints, privacy policy constraints but by users, we are not third party cookies or web beacon responsibility.

You can deny or manage cookies or web beacon through the browser settings. Note, however, that if you disable cookies or web beacon, you may not be able to enjoy the best service experience, and some services may not be available. At the same time, you will receive the same amount of advertising, but these ads and your relevance will be reduced.

We may send you mail and information

Mail and information push

When you use our services, we may use your information to send e-mail, news, or push notifications to your device. If you do not want to receive this information, you can choose to unsubscribe from the device in accordance with our relevant tips.

Service related announcements

We may issue a service related announcement to you when necessary, such as when a service is suspended due to system maintenance. You may not be able to cancel these services related to the nature of the announcement does not belong to the promotion.

The scope of privacy policy

Except for certain services, all of our services are applicable to this privacy policy. These specific services will apply specific privacy policies.Specific privacy policies for certain services will be more specific about how we use your information in such services.The privacy policy for this particular service constitutes part of this privacy policy.If there is a discrepancy between the privacy policy of the specific service and the privacy policy, the privacy policy for the particular service is applicable.

Please note that this privacy policy does not apply to the following:

Information collected by third party services (including any of the other third party sites) through our services;

Information gathered by other companies or institutions that advertise services in our services.


We may amend the terms of the privacy policy in a timely manner, such as part of the amendments to the privacy policy.If any of these amendments has resulted in a substantial reduction in your rights under this privacy policy, we will notify you by email or by other means to you on a prominent location on the main page before the amendment takes effect. In that case, if you continue to use our services, which means that the consent of the revised privacy policy.